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The House on Chorus Road

 Caroline loved the countryside, and couldn’t resist taking a trip out to Vista Springs, an enchanted countryside with vast fields that lay just beyond the coast. Her trip wouldn’t be alone, however, as she wanted to spend some quality time with her mother who was in her late seventies. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to both relax and enjoy the country, and have that special time with her mom. Upon arrival to the community where they would stay, the weather was most optimal for birdwatching and walking along the old country roads. There was a particular house, not very far down the road, which they could see looming over a small hill, and appeared to be in a perpetual shadow.  “So strange, isn’t it, Mom?” Caroline noted as they looked down the road at the house that appeared to be large and old, with Victorian vibes, “It’s so dark over there, but not a cloud is in the sky!” Caroline’s mom, Naomi, nodded in agreement. “That is peculiar, isn’t it?” They continued on to t...

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